Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Anchorage Gamer starts Blogging


This blog was launched as a personal outgrowth from and the Anchorage Miniature Game Club. I've never blogged before, our club has had a regular website for quite some time, but some online reorganization and re-hosting had the threatening potential to destroy almost two years of regular RPG game journals kept on our club web forum, so I spawned this blog as a way to capture, archive, and share them with a wider audience.

I've come to realize that quite a few people were reading my RPG game journals outside of our actual group of players.

Some stuff about the Anchorage Miniature Game Club ("theamgc") copied from our webpage:


The Anchorage Miniature Gaming Club; AMGC, was born March of 2001 with the mission of providing a safe and enjoyable place for gamers to meet on a regular basis to pursue their hobby, actively promote the growth of the hobby in the local area, and act as a focal point for miniature gaming activities in the Anchorage area.
With that AMGC got involved in Waaagh Day which was held at Providence Medical Center. The event turned out to be quit a achievement.
After that learning event AMGC started its own convention with the introduction of Brimfrost I, October 13th and 14th of 2001. This was also a accomplishment, yet very limiting in the number of people we could get involved and interested in the hobby with the restricted facilities.
After searching for awhile It was decided to move the event to the Anchorage Montessori School. Brimfrost II was held April 5th and 6th of 2003. This was also the first time we charged for admittance so we could “donate” to the school for the use of the facilities. This turned out greater than anyone had dreamed of with many lessons learned for future events.
Brimfrost III;, held March of 2004 at the Anchorage Montessori School was a complete and utter triumph once again. This year we also expanded what was available to play at the convention with us hosting some CCG events amongst other games.
For Brimfrost IV it was decided to start using the year so it was then called Brimfrost 2005. It was the most successful one yet with the most folks attending the event to date. Also during this year we started hosting other events outside of Brimfrost and got involved with other gaming clubs through out Anchorage. Hopefully we will continue to work well to promote gaming in Anchorage.
Brimfrost 2006 - 2008 were all held at the Egan Convention Center and were great successes. Brimfrost 2009 is looking to be even bigger and better!

Games Rule Systems

We primarily play miniature games, and board games at the club. What rules systems do we use? Just about everything from historical, fantasy or Sci-Fi, from 25mm to 6mm!

Gaming nights

The AMGC meets every at the Spenard Lions Club, the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month from 4:30 until midnight & every Saturday from 6 until midnight. Many of the events we play at the club only require you to show up! The miniatures and rules are almost always provided. We also hold a couple more formal events thru the year, like painting competitions and our annual convention BRIMFROST.

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